Michael Perelman wrote:

>Help me out here Doug.  Usually, I would be inclined to believe Census figures
>over something from Texas, but
>Texas Transportation Institute. 2002. 2002 Urban Mobility Study
>"Congestion is growing in areas of every size.  The 75 urban areas
>in this report range from New York City down to those with 100,000
>population.  All of the size categories show more severe congestion
>that lasts a longer period of time and affects more of the
>transportation network in 2000 than in 1982.  The average annual
>delay per peak road traveler climbed from 16 hours in 1982 to 62
>hours in 2000.  And delay over the same period more than quadrupled
>in areas with less than 1 million people."

It seems counterintuitive to me, for sure, but the Census long form 
asks how long it takes to get to work, and those are the numbers that 
come back in. Whenever I drive anywhere, I'm amazed by all the 
traffic, and give thanks for being delivered from it.


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