At 12:52 PM 07/25/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>everyday i hear/read pundits (financial analysts, market analysts,
>MBAs, consultants, commentators, etc) speak forth on the stock
>market collapse caused by the tech bubble that "we" (as they say)
>all fell prey to. but iirc it was they that created the bubble
>and assured us that it was justified. why is it that we continue
>to listen to them correcting themselves, all the while maintaining
>their expert demeanour and certainty of belief?
>cannot one of you experts do a sokal on these people?

What's a "sokal"?

It is the job of experts to be experts...even, or particularly when, 
they're wrong. What must continue is the belief that the people who run 
things know what they're doing (even when they don't) and that we must 
continue to follow.

On the other hand, things might be getting interesting. I should start 
watching some T.V.


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