Vandana Shiva wrote:

>These advanced technologies are not about feeding a hungry world. 
>They are about seeking control over the natural world, over people, 
>and taking away the productive capacity of women. The McKinsey 
>Corporation, a large international consultant firm, recently 
>produced a report, which stated that in India only one percent of 
>food is processed. This would lead you to imagine that India, with 
>one billion people, is merely a land of hunter-gatherers where 
>people dig up roots and pick fruits off the wild trees. It is not, 
>however, that 99 percent of the food is not processed, but that it 
>is mainly processed by women at home, as our laws have so far 
>ensured that food processing remained a small-scale activity, 
>confined to women's cottage industry.

So women should stay at home and mash lentils rather than having this 
process industrialized? How many lentils does Shiva mash, in between 
her visits to Japan and San Francisco? Or is there one rule for 
educated professional women, and another for uneducated peasant women?

I swear, sometimes she reads like Marie Antoinette in a sari.


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