At 01:30 PM 08/03/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I thought it happens when your wife is a socialist and you actually pay some
>attention to what she says.

Hmmm. Reminds me of when I used to be married to a Trotskyist. Since he was 
so busy doing political work and thinking political thoughts, he never had 
time to wash dishes, cook, shop, take the kids to the doctor, watch the 
kids, do the laundry, etc. He was too busy preparing to be the vanguard. 
All this, while he was working half time (or not at all) and I was working 
full time.

At a certain point I was ready to hang a big sign over the sink that said 
"Communism begins at home." I verbalized this, but was told that I was 
bringing in the petty concerns of "private" lives and that communism wasn't 
about that.

Made me very skeptical about the notion of a vanguard.


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