You can say the US leadership are bullies, I agree with you. But they still
rule from within the law, and with a mandate from the America people. Sure
they manipulate the press as much as they can, but ultimately the press is
free, and the people will search out the free press. Yes Saddam is a bully,
yes the North Korean leadership are bullies they deserve to get kicked out
and hope they both do. Iran seems to be a democracy, as much as the US (and
more so then the UK), so I do not think it is fair to include them Bush's
famous Axis of Evil comment. Bullies only understand force and force is
probably what we should give them.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Jannuzi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 1:11 AM
Subject: [PEN-L:30792] Re: bullying

> BTW2, after Saddam (and before him, Milosevic),
> who will be official US
> Hitler du jour? should pen-l start a pool on
> this question?
> JD

At this point the N. Korean leadership would
admit to cattle mutilations and UFOs to avoid
being singled out for vitiation by the empire.

Iran is past the cult of personality of the
Ayatollah K. and is in many ways more democratic
than S. Arabia. But I'm pretty sure the US
establishment wants to revise some history here.


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