Greetings Economists,
I think Lou's basic point is well taken.  The depth of what Lou posts is
very much the right way to go about posting to Pen-L.  I don't think as
Carrol does that posting is by any logic supposed to be a certain way to be
read.  I think that lists are the forward edge of new ways of understanding
how to organize thought and brain work.

In particular because the economy is likely to tank and people need some
voice to frame and understand what is happening it is highly important an
accessible resource like Pen-L be taken seriously.  I might add to this that
the left ought to think about more collaborative projects along the lines of
what Lou aspires to in his depth pieces.  The software exists to work on
line on collaborative pieces.  Net Meeting allows people to work in small
groups on line to produce collaborative pieces.  I think working together is
a good organizing tool, encourages a depth that many hands bring to a
project and so on.

Thirdly, Web based tools allow one to exploit media.  Web sites with simple
graphics and other elaboration's on the multi-media themes are potentially
alternate ways of approaching collaboration projects.

Fourth, work like the above needs to consciously take on Accessibility for
the disabled.  Multimedia web based work (blogging sites are typical of this
sort of direction) by people on the left needs be inclusive and aware of the
disabled needs of the working class.
Doyle Saylor

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