----- Original Message -----
From: "Carrol Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Yes I did: I said that it is not a legitimate question, and therefore
> has no answer, simple or complicated. When it comes up as a legitimate
> question, it would come up in the course of collective practice, and
> would be answered in the contgext of that practice.


Who the hell are you to unilaterally -- no, monopolistically -- decide what
is and is not a legitimate question on this list? Is this list not a
manifestation of a collective practice or are we, in your readings of post
on this list, all solipsistic-monadic deceptive avatars engaged in a
multilogue of the willfully misinterpretive?

> What would an "ennobling emotion" be? And would it exist in the
> abstract? The same "emotion" (i.e. the same bodily state) would in
> different circustances give rise to quite different complexes of thought
> and feeling, and it would be the feelings/thoughts, not the emotion,
> that could then, _in that context_, be discussed.
> Carrol

You used to be a teacher and you don't know what an ennobling emotion is? An
ennobling thought -- thinking that ennobles, enables and empowers Others --
you don't know what those are?



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