Title: RE: [PEN-L:31882] Re: RE: Re: dismantling due process

I wrote:
> >I had a similar experience. After falling off that fence, a friend
> >(now an ex-friend) has actually said that (paraphrasing), "look at
> >what the US did to Afghanistan. Why can't Israel do the same kind of
> >thing?"

Doug writes:
> Some Israelis say that they actually take more care about avoiding
> civilian casualties than the U.S. military does; they actually send
> soldiers into hostile territory rather than dropping bombs from
> several miles high. They may be right.

Or could it be that the US military cares more about losing their own soldiers than the Israeli army does? In some ways, the US strategy of "bomb them from on high" is a result of the "Viet Nam syndrome." (Supposedly, this Syndrome meant that a few US casualties led to the US pull-out from Somalia, especially since they were seen on TV.)


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