Carrol, I was talking of "blowback," not the overthrow of capitalism. Kenya, Bali, and ... wherever is next seems to me evidence of blowback.

Gene Coyle

Carrol Cox wrote:
Eugene Coyle wrote:

I say stupid in the following sense:  The US has adopted the same
strategy as has Israel -- massive retaliation for everything.  It is
clear that Israel's strategy cannot bring it peace.  Nor can the US.
There is already only limited geography where US tourists can freely
venture, and that geography is going to shrink.  And of course it will
blowback to this continent.  And the stupid response is even more
massive retaliation -- never mind who or what the target.  And then, ...
, followed by more massive retaliation.  Fortress America is a stupid
strategy, never mind anything else to say about it.

Viewed abstractly, from outside history, "their" strategy has been
stupid for 500 years, and "Massive retaliation for everything" describes
the crushing of rebellions in the english countryside in the 16th
century, the long massacre of the 18th century described by Linebaugh,
the incredibly expensive conquest and repression of India over several
centuries, the long blood repression in England in the early 19th
century culminating in the suppression of the Chartists, Leopold, u.s.
slavery, on and on and on. It was all incredibly irrational,
destructive, and horrrible -- and it worked.

Joan Robninson and others demonstrated fairly conclusively that
Luxemburg's technical economics in _The Accumulation of Capital_ were
erroneous, but Luxemburg's insight, that capitalism had to expand
endlessly or collapse was correct. Those who want to call the Bush
administration and its DP supporters stupid need to explain by what
alternative strategy u.s. capital can keep maintain u.s. (against EU,
China, Japan) control of mideastern oil. The strategy may ruinously fail
-- I hope so. But no one has suggested a better one. In fact all the
criticism of it that gets published is by marginal left critics who want
it to fail, and who would oppose any alternative strategy with the same

There was a similar fatal fall in the hippy critique of the Vietnam War
as expressed in the slogan, "Give peace a chance" -- which assumed
shared goals but alternative strategies. As it turned out, peace did
achieve the same original goal, the immiseration of the Vietnamese
people, but only after the tremendous destructiveness of many years of


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