Title: doublethink

I wrote:>>This discussion is going in extremely abstract circles. Either it should stop here ...<<
Ian responds:>Hey, given your opening Ari-logic prescription, you're right. Because I'm not writing a book for the list on the list.<

It's true that Ari's logic is abstract, but it is familiar to most people in one form or another. On the other hand, "paraconsistent" logic is unfamiliar and sounds a lot like mere wooly or confused thinking. So it needs some description besides simple reference to some famous philosopher.

To summarize my (preliminary) conclusion based on this discussion: so-called paraconsistent logic is not the same kind of phenomenon as Ari's logic. Rather, it seems to be an effort to deal with the ambiguities that arise when we move from the high level of abstraction of Ari's logic to the real world of empirical life and the imperfect computing and data-processing abilities of human cognition. As such, it seems to be in the same class of phenomena as the dialectical heuristics of Marx or Hegel.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

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