|| -----Original Message-----
|| From: Michael Perelman

|| My knowledge of Turkey is very limited.  Right now, my main
|| concern is the
|| extent to which Turkey aids American imperialism.  I am also
|| distraught by
|| the United States support for the repression of the Kurds.
|| I think that the detailed debates about the intricacies of Turkish
|| politics might be far afield of the focus of this list right now.

Do the massacres perpetrated by the Kurds on the Iraqi Turkomans have any
place in your concerns? Are you aware that Barzani wants to occupy a city
that has been demographically Turkoman for 4 centuries and probably still is
despite Kurdish and Iraqi ethnic cleansing? Or is that far afield as well?

Your limited knowledge of Turkey should be a reason for you to withhold your
opinions on the Kurdish question until you have broadened that knowledge.

As for the intricacies of Turkish politics, you have Louis Proyect to thank
for them, who insisted I produce evidence.

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