This is supposed to be an argument? Everybody has Kurdish friends. I was
married to a wonderful lady who was half Kurdish. I worked for a Kurd, and
it was very inspiring. As a buck private, I had Kurdish sergeants who sat
around in the mess playing a saz and singing Kurdish songs who called us
communists (this was in 1980)! But the PKK was still murdering marxists, the
Iraqi Kurds were still oppressing the Turkomans, and Ocalan was teaming up
with Syria and others to impose the Sevres partition of Turkey which so many
Turks had given their lives to resist.

I'd appreciate if Sabri and others would not resort to provocative language
when they can't come up with arguments.

|| -----Original Message-----
|| From: Sabri Oncu

|| Hakki:
|| > Are you aware that Barzani wants to occupy a
|| > city that has been demographically Turkoman
|| > for 4 centuries and probably still is
|| > despite Kurdish and Iraqi ethnic cleansing?
|| This is where you screw up Hakki.
|| Late Mehmet Abi, the doorman of our apartment building back in
|| those good old days when I was a kid, and who was like a son to
|| my late grandmother, and hence a part of the family, was Kurdish
|| and he had nothing to do with that ethnic cleansing you are
|| talking about. Nor the Iraqi attendant at the parking garage
|| where I park my car, who is a singer who is in love with the
|| Turkish music and sings some Turkish songs to me every now and
|| then, had anything to do with it.
|| The problem, when formulated in your way, is ill-posed. And
|| ill-posed problems have no solutions.
|| This is where you screw up.
|| Sabri

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