'I feel despair'

Turkey's MPs surprised the world by voting 'no' to US troops being based
in the country. Now it seems their new prime minister will overturn this -
with the army's help. Acclaimed Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk fears that
once again his country will become a military dictatorship

Friday March 14, 2003
The Guardian

Before Turkey's new prime minister Tayyip Erdoan won a landslide victory
in the elections last November, he was constantly maligned and abused by
most of the Turkish media. They said that the naive Turkish people should
be aware of Erdoan's pro-Islamist past before voting for him.
Nevertheless, those like me, who were afraid Erdoan's election would pave
the way for a military coup, said that his new pro-western and
pro-European Union "liberal" stance should be taken at its face value. But
the establishment press accused Erdoan of being a fundamentalist in
disguise who would strike a blow at secularism in Turkey once in power.

In Istanbul now, the joke is that we were mistaken and Erdoan was indeed
hiding his true colours. What he was hiding, however, was not Islamic
fundamentalism but commitment to American military interests. First, he
made it clear that he was displeased with parliament's rejection of US
demands for a northern front against Iraq. This "no" to war reflected the
fury of the Turkish people, 90 per cent of whom are opposed to the war. I
was amazed and delighted by this decision, which should make the Turkish
parliament proud. Even the pro-state and pro-army Turkish press briefly
paid it lip service, since everyone's national sensibilities were hurt by
the coverage of Turkey in the western media as a country that would engage
in a war it did not believe in for the sake of American dollars. In
particular, a cartoon in which Turkey was depicted as a belly dancer
writhing in front of Uncle Sam in order to get more money broke many
hearts in the country.

The reaction to the cartoon was so exaggerated in the Turkish press, which
is as highly sensitive to any coverage in the western media as the Turkish
public, that I expected the Turkish Society of Belly Dancers to protest
that belly dancing was not as dishonourable as portrayed.

Since the image of the nation as a carpet- dealer upset everyone, Erdoan
produced a new trump card that would force Turkey into cooperation with
Bush and convince the public: Kurdish autonomy in northern Iraq and, God
forbid, demands for an independent state. Since some nationalist male
Turkish politicians consider bombing poor Kurds far more honourable than
belly dancing, it may be that this new argument will carry more weight.
Already many columnists are hinting at the possibility of "undesirable
developments" in northern Iraq in an attempt to influence the public and
bewildered members of parliament. The idea of a Kurdish state is such a
fearsome prospect in Turkey, such an unmentionable taboo, that it can only
be spoken of as "undesirable developments".

Erdoan's party asked the army to make an announcement in favour of war to
influence the parliamentary decision before the rejection of the proposal,
but the army did not wish to grasp this thorny issue before parliament.
When parliament, too, evaded the thorny issue, the job fell on Erdoan and
the Turkish press, which had called on the army for help. The majority of
the Turkish press have no qualms about carrying on war propaganda, despite
the anti-war fury of the people, because most of their financial clout
comes not from newspaper sales but from bribes received from the state by
various subterfuges. Many nationalist Turkish columnists, whose heart was
broken by the representation in the west of Turkey as a nation fighting
for money, are now busily engaged in war propaganda for their own bread
and butter.

The truth that emerges from all this irony and comedy is this: the Bush
government's relentless desire to launch a war against Saddam has nothing
to do with establishing democracy in the Middle East. On the contrary,
American military ambitions are curtailing democracy in Turkey and leading
to more army intervention in politics. After the government and the press,
the task now is to intimidate members of parliament to obtain a reversal
of its decision.

The world should know about the damage that has been done to Turkish
democracy by the Bush government, which, has bypassed the sentiments of
the Turkish people, preferring to cooperate with the army. Already,
parliament's "no" to war has been dismissed and the massing of American
troops in Turkish harbours is continuing as if nothing had happened. In
response to this scandalous disrespect for the parliament, its president
bravely declared that it made his hair stand on end, while his fellow
party member, prime minister Erdoan, seemed quite undisturbed. The
justified complaint that there is not enough democracy in Turkey, which we
have become accustomed to hearing from the US for years has, thanks to the
Bush government, been transformed into a grumble that there is too much
democracy in Turkey.

Unlike some, I am not opposed to this war because I am opposed to
globalisation. I believe that globalisation can be beneficial, opening the
way for the free circulation of capital, goods, ideas, and even people,
and weaken local nationalistic states and dictatorships. But the Bush
government's idea of globalisation is not freedom of goods and thoughts
but the unconditional freedom of the American army to bomb what it likes,
when it likes. For this purpose, it has shown itself prepared to undermine
local democracies and spurn parliamentary decisions.

This approach, which attaches little importance to the UN, makes no
attempt to understand the reluctance and indecision of its allies, and is
intent on having the cooperation of local national armies at any cost for
the sake of its own military victory, is not much different from that of
Saddam, who recognises nothing but his own will.

Like the leaders of many other countries, the Turkish prime minister is
trapped between the pressures of the Bush government and the indignation
of the people. What distinguishes Erdoan from Tony Blair is not only that
he has spent and enjoyed most of his political life in an anti-western and
anti-American culture and discourse. With a debt burden of $80bn to
international western lenders, Turkey could be plunged overnight into an
economic crisis similar to that of Argentina if deprived of IMF support.
Unfortunately, Germany and France, who took a stand against Bush's
policies, did not come out in support of the Turkish parliament's "no"
vote. More importantly, in the years when Blair was making the most of the
joys of being prime minister, Erdoan was counting the days in prison,
where he had been thrown under pressure from the state and army, for
reciting an Islamist poem. Now his cooperation with the same state and
army for a war that people hate and are protesting against may have tragic
consequences for him.

Another consequence of the aggressive policies of the Bush government is,
sadly, to see that in many countries like Turkey now the art of politics,
whether leftwing or political Islamist, has been reduced to the skill of
winning the popular vote and combining it with American military
interests. Finding himself in such a predicament, Erdoan is telling
courageous journalists, who remind him of his former words, that he "was
not then in power". If we are to believe this pretext, which pro-state
columnists find convincing, we must draw the pitiable conclusion that the
words of a Turkish politician are not to be trusted if he is not in power.
If he is in power, America can trust him.

If Erdoan compels the Turkish parliament to change its decision to say no
to the war and enter it with the US, he will lose the trust of the people
which he earned so patiently over the years by his diligence, talent,
outspoken honesty and time spent in prison.

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