>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/20/03 9:57 AM >>>
Dear Louis Proyect,
I am an Argentinean friend of Néstor Gorojoski. I am working for the 
Government of Venezuela.
Venezuela is in the middle of a process of industrialization, and the 
government is taking an active and protectionist economic policy to 
achieve this objective (high import tariffs, control exchange rate, 
substitutions of major imports...).
We need to explain the Venezuelan people that we are just copying the 
American historic protectionist policy to achieve economic development.
We are looking for BIBLIOGRAPHY that explains how the United States 
develop its industries through protectionism since 1770 (specially 
during its first years -1770 to 1810-).
Thanks very much Louis,

primary sources:
alexander hamilton, 'report on manufacturing'...

henry clay, _papers of henry clay_ (there's a number of volumes, i'm away from my 
stuff so can't direct you to which of them contains his writings on economic 
nationalism, government subsidies, high tariffs)...

abraham lincoln, _speeches and writings_...

short cut re. clay: maurice baxter, _henry clay and the american system_ (name that 
clay gave to his economic nationalism)...

believe that douglas dowd covers come of this territory in _twisted development: 
capitalist development in the united states since 1776 (book is from mid-1970s, read 
it good number of years ago)...

as does edward greenberg, _capitalism and the american political ideal_(from 
mid-1980s)...    michael hoover

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