I wrote:
> >Oliver Williamson is not quite mainstream; his stuff doesn't appear
> >in standard textbooks, which to my mind represent the codification
> >of NC ideology. But more importantly, my assertion was that the NC
> >_wants_ everything to be an exchange. The fact that hierarchy is
> >needed is seen as a "failure" of the market.

Doug writes:
> Also, the fashion lately has been to contract out for more services
> and supplies - to bring activities out of the firm and back into the
> marketplace.

A friend once expressed the essence of this neo-liberalism: if the world doesn't fit 
with the model, force it to do so. 

I heard a bit today on US NPR about how this kind of out-sourcing of services is 
hurting the US national parks: among other things, the volunteers who help with the 
parks don't want to help pad the bottom line of private corporations and are likely to 
stop their volunteering. (This fits with the ideas of a NC who's even less orthodox 
than OW, Bruno Frey. Frey argues that relying on market motivation can easily 
undermine intrinsic motivation to do so something.) 


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