It depends how far away the spaniard is from the Frankfurter.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 5:46 AM
Subject: [PEN-L] making Frankfurters

If you put a spaniard in the works do you get a frankfurter?


Jurriaan Bendien wrote:
a classic book that in some ways summarizes the Frankfurt school viewpoint
for me is Orwell's _1984_, where there is total domination and no hope.

Well, the domination is not total, because Winston revolts and, for example,
has an affair with Julia (the description of the character Julia owes much
to Wilhelm Reich's analysis of fascism). In fact, Orwell refers to the hopes
Winston feels, in seeking to meet Julia. 

Orwell's story contrasts with Ira Levin's (in my opinion) superior story,
which is more attuned to American imagery, called "This Perfect Day", where
Chip ends up destroying the machine, because he has understood its
functioning, and can put a spaniard in the works, which blows up the entire
system that oppresses him.


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