[They consistently phrase things in such a way as to flatter
deregulationists.  But their bottom line argument seems to be that dereg
can only work with a government run grid -- in other words, if it is
considerably regged.  Buried in here is a not bad illustration of how real
markets depend on government in their innermost nature.]

New York Times
August 17, 2003


The System Did Not Fail. Yet the System Failed.


   W hile Americans have become ever more dependent upon electricity
   in their daily lives, a crucial part of the system that supports
   their way of life has not kept up.

   Yes, the country has built more power plants enough to create a
   glut of power in most parts of the country. But the transmission
   system a collection of high-voltage networks that connect the
   power plants where the electricity is produced to the local
   distribution companies that deliver it to homes and businesses is
   caught in the middle of the stalled deregulation of the American
   electric power industry.

   California's disastrous partial energy deregulation and the role
   played by Enron and other energy marketing companies in its power
   crisis have impeded changes in the national ability to deliver
   power, leaving the system a hybrid of the worst of the old without
   the best of the new.

   Despite claims in the wake of last week's blackout that the nation
   has a "third world" power grid, the regional networks that feed
   its annual 710,000-megawatt appetite are first-world and would
   generally be envied by the rest of the globe.

   But in one critical aspect, the system has become increasingly
   vulnerable: in the interconnections among the different regions.
   Both the number and size of the wires on the borders between
   regions are inadequate for the rising flow of electricity.

   This missing part creates the worst bottlenecks in the system.
   Moreover, the deficiency also includes inadequate coordination
   among the regions in managing the flow of electricity. These
   interregional weaknesses are so far the most plausible explanation
   for the blackout on Thursday.

   What's preventing greater connection and coordination between
   regions? The technology exists, and is available; the economic
   benefits of relieving the bottlenecks between regions far exceeds
   the costs by many billions of dollars.

   The problem is with the system of rules, organization and
   oversight that governs the transmission networks.

   It was set up for a very different era and is now caught in a
   difficult transition, trying to avoid the pitfalls evident in the
   California crisis.

   The transmission networks were built to serve a utility system
   based on regulated monopolies. In the old days, there was no
   competition for customers. One locality equaled one utility. And
   state regulatory commissions set prices.

   Today, the mission is to connect buyers and sellers seeking the
   best deal, irrespective of political boundaries and local
   jurisdictions. Large industrial customers in the East routinely
   shop for power in the Midwest.

   Over all, for more than a decade, the power industry has been
   struggling with how to move from the old regulation to the new
   marketplace. This shift was driven by the view that half a century
   of state regulation had produced power prices that were too high
   and too varied among states. Factories and jobs were migrating
   from states with high electric power prices to those with lower

   Yet the power industry is probably not even halfway there in its
   shift from regulation to the marketplace. The California power
   crisis and the power-trading scandals sent regulators back to the
   drawing board, slowing the development of new institutions, rules
   and investment to make competitive markets work.

   As a result, the development of the regional transmission
   organizations is erratic. More than one-third of the power
   transmitted primarily in the Southeast and the Northwest is not
   under the control of regional transmission organizations. Some
   states fear that their cheap power would be sucked away to other
   markets; others do not want to subordinate state authority to the
   Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

   Power flows relatively easily and with great flexibility within
   each region. But there are simply not enough heavy-duty wires
   between the regions. The wires become filled to their capacity,
   and the system operator has to order reduced output from power
   plants. The result, at critical moments, can be like a freeway in
   rush hour. The costs of this congestion, which reduces
   flexibility, are heavy, measured in many billions of dollars.

   What would ease the congestion? American electricity use increased
   8 percent over the past four years, while electric generating
   capacity expanded by 12 percent. Over this same time, transmission
   investment has ranged from $2 billion to $5 billion a year only a
   fraction of the level needed to keep up with this growing supply
   and demand.

   Transmission itself remains, in economic terms, largely a
   regulated natural monopoly. Yet it is also the basis of the new
   market in electric power. Without the ability to send power in
   different directions to different customers at different times at
   different prices in response to different demands, there is no

   So who will make the new investment? It could be a utility that
   already owns the transmission wires though they are managed by the
   independent regional transmission organizations. The investor
   might also be an outsider willing to bet on a growth market.

   But it's not clear how the potential investor would make a profit.

   One way or another, changes will be needed to ease the flow of
   capital into transmission and, in turn, ensure the steady flow of
   electricity to customers. When it comes to the national
   transmission network, the whole is greater and better than the sum
   of the parts.

   Daniel Yergin is chairman and Larry Makovich is senior director of
   Cambridge Energy Research Associates. With Hoff Stauffer, they are
   co-authors of the new study "Grounded in Reality: Bottlenecks and
   Investment Needs of the North American Transmission System."

   Copyright 2003 The New York Times Company

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