andie nachgeborenen wrote:

Silverstein might bother to learn something about the
law before he starts to mouth off at lawyers who
aren't doing what he thinks they ought. Postconviction
capital defense is noble, but totally gruelling,
emotionally exhausting, and extremely expensive.

Ken knows what he's talking about; don't patronize him in absentia. He specifically contrasted the non-action of Dees with the work of Stephen Bright <>, who has little money to work with, but who has pursued capital cases nonetheless. Dees has oodles of money, and won't.

As to the rest of SPLC's work, I am quite happy that
they are shutting down the KKK and Ayran Nations.

Ken also argued that there was almost nothing left of the Klan, in either money or membership, when Dees was going after them. He did it because it plays well with northern liberals, who write him big checks.


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