andie nachgeborenen wrote:
> My First Amendment prof was David Goldberger, who was
> the ACLU lawyer in the Skokie-Nazi case. Sorry, youw
> on;t find me condemning the Illinois ACLU for
> defending the right of the Nazis to speak. I can ask
> Colleen Connell (the Exec Dir of the Ill ACLU, anda
> friend) for your capitivating quote. I am sure I would
> endorse it too. I'd be proud to defend the First
> Amendment ina NAzi case too. It's not inconsistent to
> think that it's really important defend these
> scumbags' right tos peak, and to argue that when they
> step outta line and lynch someone the SPLC should shut
> them downw itha  wrongful death lawsuit. But I'm a
> liberal, I told you that.

you are making some poor assumptions here: for instance, that his
proclamations (that i refer to) were about the first amendment rights of
nazis. i was pointing out his rather specious reasoning to justify his
presence at the neo-nazi gathering. would i find you at a nazi affair too?


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