Wait a sec Justin. If you're making big bucks defending tabbacco, well
that's understandable. Big tabbacco makes big bucks that they use to pay
you. But if some guy is making big bucks from poor black people who
think that he will defend them  in discrimination/criminal suits and
then spending all that money on raising more money and on whatever heaps
of money will buy HIM, then, it's a ripoff--yes?


andie nachgeborenen wrote:

How terrible, Dees makes soo much money, how dare he.
People who work for good causesa re supposed to be
POOR. You wanna guess how much Tigar makes? Or
Kunstler made? I bet it wasa  lot more than Dees.

Hey, Louis, I'm a corporate lawyer at a  big law firm;
I make my living in part defending tobacco companies,
and I make a lot of money too -- not as much as Dees,
but I'm getting there, if I stay here, I will someday.
I must be a real scumbag.

And the SPLC is puting its money into propaganda, and
worse, ut's not even Marxist propaganda. If =It were
reprinting the marxist classics in overpriced
editions, like Pathfinder Books, everything would be

Whatta crick.

--- Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I invite pen-l'ers to look at the IRS forms for SPLC
that are online at:


It has total assets of $134 million! Dees makes
$258,000 per year. The 3
people in charge of fundraising make a total of
$300,000 per year. This
is a big-time operation. Meanwhile, the main expense
item is
publications, which amounted to $5,246,665. It is
likely that the brunt
of this went to tolerance.org that disseminated
questionnaires on campus
that measured intolerance with an eye to making
people more tolerant.
(Arrggghh!) Here is a snippet:


Who do you prefer? (Please note: Black refers to a
persons primarily of
African descent and White refers to persons
primarily of European descent.)

/_/ I prefer Black people over White people
/_/ I have no preference
/_/ I prefer White people over Black people


Somebody is obviously getting ripped off.


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