Sabri, yer gonna out live us all. Some Turkish hills thing. Worry not.

I don't smoke... But I think yer a bit harsh on our dyslexic lawyer

You wrote:

>Western rationality requires, or leads to, Justins of the world.

Adults have the right to kill themselves, in any way they wish. As long
as it's an informed choice. (Tobacco is actually helping us, here,
making product warnings part of everyday life. Spreading the gospel of
"merchant accountability" across the whole spectrum of crap goods and
stupid consumption.)

If people then still choose slow suicide through tobacco, so be it.

Here in Canada, we do have a legion of lawyers trying to tie U.S.
tobacco to smuggling schemes via First Nation lands along the border. I
sure hope those Canadian "prosecutors" (we call 'em Crown) win.

But I stand with Justin on one thing: YOU put the smoke to yer mouth.
YOU inhale.

While we can peel off the layers of media influence, ads bought to sell
death products, etc. -- eventually, there is still the remaining
individual who puts the stinkin' shit to their lips and drags.

And that's where the buck ultimately stops. You have the facts --
increasingly so, today, because of tobacco and the lawyers and activists
who have fought them.

Smoke 'em if you gottem.


I yam what I yam coz that's what I yam.
          -- Popeye
             (He had a pipe)

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