Hi Sabri,

I think I know where you are coming from.

> As I told Jurriaan once in private, in my view, "western
> rationality" is about horse trading, since it reduces human
> interactions to deals and bargaining. When you adhere to "western
> rationality", you design "mechanisms" to induce others to do what
> you want them to do, if you can, of course.

Yes, we discussed this a bit off-list, but as you know I disagree. I cannot
give all the arguments now, but let's just make ten quick points:

1) "The West" does not exist culturally, it is an ideological fiction or
geographic reference, an ideological concept which hides the reality of
imperialist accumulation. In order to understand this, you should study the
history of geographical mapping, the production of geographical maps. Then
you will see "the West" is an ideological fiction.
2) "Western rationality" is a Weberian ideal type and not an objective
reality, which suffers from the pitfalls of all ideal types - the use of
ideal types, insofar as they have a use, is in a different area, in
socialist politics.
3) "Western Rationality" contains many different forms of reasoning and
values, and does not lead to just one style of behaviour, in other words it
covers a host of sins and scientific advances, some of which socialists
ought to defend, others to discard.
4) Capitalist markets, as Marx explains, have an objective, mind-independent
logic of its own, to which we choose to conform or not to conform, but, and
this is the crux of it, the fact that we may be forced to conform to it, to
obtain access to goods and services, in other words behind the realm of
choice is the real of necessity, we have to "adjust" our behaviour to market
forces in accordance with the operation of the law of value, which makes
sale at price of production the basic condition of supply and access to
goods and services.
5) Ibn Khaldun indicates how Arab mercantile capitalism features
sophisticated market rationality, but it is not clear how this market
rationality is substantively different from your "Western rationality",
other than Islamic banks etc. and other than that specific terms of exchange
are institutionalised with different ethical norms. People might thing in a
different way about capital accumulation, but they accumulation capital
nevertheless, and if Eastern rationality hinders that accumulation, they
will drop it.
6) Marx explains that the bourgeois modes of production are not dependent on
any particular culture, any ethnicity or form of reasoning - such culture,
ethnicity or forms of reasoning may certainly prove to be a gigantic
obstacle to primitive accumulation, insofar as they achieve social cohesion
and satisfaction of needs on the basis of a principle of social order or
institutionalised social relations which are incompatible with bourgeois
private property relations, but primitive accumulation through privatisation
can always be achieved through asserting violence and raping, "the laws of
motion of capitalism working themselves out with iron necessity towards
inevitable results" through military accumulation.
7) If we were to argue that there is "Western rationality" then we confront
the problem that parts of mathematics for example originates from the East
(cf. e.g. Dirk Struik, A History of Mathematics - which provides a Marxian
interpretation) and thus also that many forms of reasoning, communication
and symbolisation used in the West did not originate in the West, but were
part of imperialist appropriation from elsewhere or originated through
legitimate international trade.
8) If we were to spell out very rigorously the difference between "Western
rationality" and "Eastern rationality" then we would conclude there is no
difference in substantive method, only a difference in the relative value
attached to different forms of reasoning used to guide behaviour, determined
by anatomical and cultural differences; but through the operation of the
laws of motion of capitalism, the effect of these differences is gradually
cancelled out and all different rationalities are subsumed under the logic
of Capital, because the ultimately market leaves no space for any other
logic than market logic, i.e. all use-value must be restructured to conform
to exchange-value (see 6). Globalisation concepts and globalism are tools
for imposing market logic.
9) If "Western rationality" is just Western, then it is difficult to explain
why Eastern peoples actually adopt it and use it, and how they can use it,
because if their reasoning was radically different, then Western rationality
would be incommensurate with Eastern rationality.
10) Insofar as ethnic differences in rationality are different, the
differences are ultimately not very great and more a question of
problem-solving style, and emphasising different problem-solving styles and
thus differentiating between people may only be due to a sectional interest.

In reflecting on these issues, Karl Marx remarks significantly, "where the
ideologist sees a unity, there is a contradiction; and where there is a
contradiction, he perceives a unity". He tackles your problem in a different
way, because he notes already in his early texts that concepts of humanity
and inhumanity are historically changeable, and therefore if a behavioural
norm is not consistent with peaceful private accumulation of capital, the
bourgeois says it is "inhuman", but that is just to say, that the concept of
human nature must conform to the contingent systemic requirements of private
capital accumulation. In addition, Marx implies that whereas ethical norms
are supposed to be universal in their application (they must apply to
everybody in the same way under the same conditions, as codified by legal
rules), in practice a society structured by business competition and the
exploitation of other social classes through the market, makes it impossible
to reconcile the universal ethical norm completely with personal behaviour,
even if we try, there is perpetual conflict between the individual and the
social which can at best be contained by the system, but not cancelled out.
And therefore all ethnic differentiations are subsumed by, and
overdetermined by, the logic of private accumulation, the logic of
competition, and the logic of competing class interests.


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