Jurriaan Bendien wrote:

I am always perplexed by the combination of an obsessive preoccupation of
Americans with sexual relations, and a puritan christianist morality which
stigmatises a frank and open discussion about it, which seems to lead to the
idea that expressing or using sexual imagery is okay, if it markets or sells
a product, but not if you are actually consciously communicating with
somebody in public space. You can sort of see how the whole twisted culture
fits together, but it's perplexing anyhow.  In Holland, same sex marriage
has been legal for some time, but caused no earthshaking controversy.
Sometimes I have wished I was gay, because it would solve some problems of
life, but it's an illusion really.

Americans are the most over-stimulated and under-gratified people in the
world. If you think about it, this is not a contradiction at all; the
one requires the other -- to ensure compulsive behavior...like shopping.

More interesting to me is the obsessive labeling. Why does it matter
that one is homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, etc. What is any of this


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