Excuse me, I never get into pissing matches.  It's all about the quality of
the analysis provided.  All other issues are handled offlist.  I do absolutely
think that t humor, criticism, sarcastic remarks are not out of place here,
and that we shouldn't be so ridiculously thin-skinned about those when they
come our way, and start crying "no-fair."  It reminds me of nothing so much
as of a child crying out to his/her mother "Mommy, he hit me."

 But that certainly is not my decision, nor the issue at hand.

I think the oil issue is critically important as it is the central issue used to
displace the decline of living standards, wage rates, etc. onto a "natural
condition," thus making austerity an asocial inevitability instead of an instrument
of class domination.

Am I the only one old enough to remember these same depletion arguments, and
capital shortage arguments regarding oil and the oil industry after OPEC 1 in 1973?

If M. King Hubbert were alive he might remember it since he predicted the "peak" of
international oil production taking place in the mid 1980s.

Anyway that's my 5th post.  I have used up my ration for the day.

A bientot,

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