Mr. Bendien cited lyrics by Alice Cooper.  I thought I would point out that Alice is a 
born-again Christian with conservative views.  Further evidence for my theory that all 
Rock-and-Roll stars are libertarians.  Here is an interview with him where he 
describes his investment strategy:

David Shemano

--- Original Message---
 From: Jurriaan Bendien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent:  3/10/2004 11:15PM
 Subject: Re: [PEN-L] A tactical debate - some more views

>> Alice Cooper, who had an interesting career, wrote a song once (it don't
>> sound like J.S. Bach !) that went like this:
>> I'm your top prime cut of meat, I'm your choice,
>> I wanna be elected,
>> I'm your yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls Royce,
>> I wanna be elected,
>> Kids want a saviour, don't need a fake,
>> I wanna be elected,
>> We're all gonna rock to the rules that I make,
>> I wanna be elected, elected, elected.
>> I never lied to you, I've always been cool,
>> I wanna be elected,
>> I gotta get the vote, and I told you 'bout school,
>> I wanna be elected, elected, elected,
>> Hallelujah, I wanna be selected,
>> Everyone in the United States of America.
>> We're gonna win this one, take the country by storm,
>> We're gonna be elected,
>> You and me together, young and strong,
>> We're gonna be elected, elected, elected,
>> Respected, selected, call collected,
>> I wanna be elected, elected.
>> "And if I am elected
>> I promise the formation of a new party
>> A third party, the Wild Party!
>> I know we have problems,
>> We got problems right here in Central City,
>> We have problems on the North, South, East and West,
>> New York City, Saint Louis, Philadelphia, Los Angeles,
>> Detroit, Chicago,
>> Everybody has problems,
>> And personally, I don't care."
>> Jurriaan

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