On Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 14:19:01 (-0500) Gil Skillman writes:
>>OK, all American Rock-and-Roll stars are libertarians.
>Bruce Springsteen?
>Jackson Browne?
>Rage Against the Machine (as in, members of the former)?
>Bonnie Raitt?

Bill writes;
Chomsky says he's more or less "libertarian socialist".  I think
Dave has in mind only "libertarian corporatists".

I think that Dave has a point though. What's commonly called "libertarianism" (the 
belief that the only major role that the government should play is the protection of 
the property rights) is very popular, at least on the rhetorical level, among rich 
people and adolescents. (The former is for obvious obvious reasons; adolescents are 
often rebelling against all authority and are impressed by such "thinkers" as Ayn 
Rand.) A lot of rock starts are rich people whose adolescence has been extended.

Of course, almost all self-styled libertarians call for government aid (corporate 
subsidies, etc.) beyond the protection of property rights when the chips are down.

Jim D. 


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