Zionist colonialism represents the ugliest face of modern imperialism, far worse than apartheid south Africa. but in all it remains part and parcel of the broader imperial agenda and its principal agent in the middle east. killing yassin has two implications..

1 it shows that Israel partly draws its power from the fact that Arab peoples are subjugated subjects as opposed to rightful citizens.. i.e. its power stems in great part from the despotism of Arab regimes and their ability to contain their own population; this in turn pushes the line that dubya can make Syria his next target and later Iran in a multiple theatre warfare approach not fearing any spillover of the conflict. beneath all this the Zionist have a racist current in the sense that Arabs are incapable of fighting, also something that was instilled in Zionist ethos as a result of successive easy victories. to this also you can add that the Zionist neocons alliance will stone wall international law completely so for the imperial project it also means a victory over the US rivals in Europe and Asia.

2.. targeting Moslem leadership also heightens support for the fundamentalist, Islamizes the character of Arab struggle and adds to the argument cum raison d'etre for the existence of religious states (Israel) in the near east – israel might say since everyone else is some religious fanatic we can now be that as well. historically an area of relatively high religious tolerance, the class fault lines are being drawn more and more along sectarian lines.. for the struggle against imperialism the fatalist nature of the islamist political agenda and the reactionary social agenda go hand in hand to becoming an instrument that will yet once more put all rounded development in the Arab world on the downside course.


containing the spillover from popular Arab sentiment will be partially determined by the reaction of the Syrian regime. if it allows more civil liberties and harnesses progressive forces to its side this time, then the neocons/Zionist strategy will fail miserably. but what is of concern is the hypothesis held in Israel about the Syrian regime and that is: the Alawite minority in power will act in accordance with its narrow class interests/gains from wielding political power on the inside rather than follow a more universal anti imperialist line. in the past the Syrian regime nearly always conceded to the Americans, but this time, there are external forces with an interest in bringing things to a boil.. Iran, Europe, china, Russia, probably but a more detailed geostrtegic positioning is needed in this case. I think no one wants a unilateral aggressive approach.. will Damascus a city of  3-4 million 29 km away from mount hermon hold its grounds. I fear not.. after years of repression it may be too late to introduce democratic reforms without the vendettas taking over.. but I may be wrong.. in either case things have gone to the dogs with the war on Iraq for some time to come but victory for the arab people- a sad legacy of the divide and rule startegy of the colonial age- will surely come however at a very high cost.

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