Devine, James wrote:

Jews have also played roles that were banned by the dominant religion (as with 
money-lending in medieval Europe), which is not exactly the same thing as being agents 
of the ruling class. (Jewish money-lenders weren't all like the Fuggers; they lent to 
the working classes, too.) In this, they have been similar to several other ethnic 
minorities in different historical eras (e.g., those from the Indian subcontinent in 
East Africa, ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia). Like the Jews, those other groups have 
also been the target of ethnic/religious hatred.
Jim Devine

I am not talking about money lending here; I am talking about a specific
situation in Poland in which the Jews played a specific role in
"managing" the serfs for the landed aristocracy. I am talking about the
way the Jews have been specifically used to mask class conflict ...which
might be why Marx was so conscious of the reality and mechanism of this


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