In a message dated 4/10/2004 9:29:54 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Global warming is not a product of 6 billion people on a planet built
for 2.  Global warming is the product of the private property system of
capital's need to garner profit no matter what the SOCIAL cost.

If that isn't the case, then indeed, the more than 2 billion people
living on a dollar a day, the 4 billion living in poverty, the 5.2
billion living on the rations determined by a ruling class, have no way
out, as the energy requirements for their emancipation from privation,
that is to say the emancipation of us all, cannot be fulfilled.

I tend to support basically all the material you have written on this question over the past couple of years. Population growth view from the standpoint of women as she exists in a historically evolved economic and social formation produces a different conception of population growth.  The concept "carrying capacity" of the earth is dangerous in my opinion unless one describes how the concept "carrying capacity" was derived.
The interactivity of the social, economic and political demands another level of unraveling. All disciplines are involved in such a study. How people reproduce and the size of families, as is the circumference of man determined by - or riveted, to consumption and the character of what is consumed. What is consumed is determined by what is produced and what is produced swings one back to economics and property relations.
The question is complex and we are only at the mouth of it.
You of course proceed from what other would call a narrow Marxists perspective. I call it tremendous focus and not being derailed by the ideologist of property.
Melvin p.

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