1. Louis, the  Green Goat is  battery powered, a small diesel engine
runs in brief spurts to charge the batteries.  Carbon dioxide emissions
as reported to us by their representatives are minimal, since the Green
Goat uses very little carbon based fuel.  Carbon dioxide is not an issue
with this locomotive.

2.  And as you must know, living in NYC, I do not advocate the New
Jersey suburban standard of living, nor the Phoenix model as the goal of
the proletarain revolution.  But increasing the calorie intake of those
now malnourished is a goal.  Providing sanitation and clean water
supplies are goals, particularly since the latter  in underdeveloped
areas of the world means much to the emancipation of women.  I don't
think we know what and what cannot be accomplished under a communist
social system.  We do know that it will involve production for use and
the expansion of human needs along with the means for satisfying those
needs.  The content of the needs may change, but I don't think we should
be getting ahead of ourselves, and start dictating what will or won't be
planted, harvested, produced, base on our individual likes and dislikes.
I'm sure many will think the production of sugar is a waste, but arguing
about that is speculation, not Marxism.

3.Social solutions?  How about disbanding the US military, currently the
consumer of 22% of US petroleum supplies? How about revolution, so we
don't provide a material incentive for burning rain forests to produce
pasture?  Technological solutions?  How about emissions controls?  How
about elimination of biomass as a fuel, and the use of natural gas.  How
about a combination of the emission controls and natural gas (which
current reserves are at 63 years)? Plus, the revolution. If you are
skeptical about the feasibility of such solutions, then I'm afraid you
are going to find yourself, despite your protests, right back in the
corner of those Malthusian solutions you reject-- i.e. culling the herd,
and imposing sterilizaton on women, since it's always imposed on women
by men.

4. Finally, there is a real problem with what I have referred to as
short-attention span radicalism, in that it never thinks through the
consequences of its positions-- so someone can talk about a carrying
capacity of 2 billion and ignore what that entails for at least 4
billion others on the planet.  So that some might argue for the notion
of "closing down Phoenix," without explaining what that means, or how
that would be accomplished.  It makes little sense to argue for a humane
sharing society when the program includes closing down a city of several
hundred thousand and doing exactly what with the population?  Forcibly
dispersing them to....where?  Retirement villages of the damned?  Are we
going to ship them, lox, stocks, and cracker barrels to other cities
which we think are more sustainable?  Sounds a little bit too much to me
like strategic hamlets, or pseudo Stalinist organized deportation based
on orders of a central committee.  And when those gray panthers of
Phoenix, and some indigenous peoples say to the central committee, we
like it here...it's warm and dry... what will the central committee
say-- "Up Against the Green Wall, motherfucker.  This is the ecology

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