What's new is that somebody seems to care. Somehow, this seems to be
turning out to be the final straw. It was about time. So, I understand
that it is not really new as does most of the left, but this is an
inadequate response. If the media is actually willing to report this
story, what good does it do for the left to say "Ah, that's nothing,
think about the prisons in the U.S., and the School of the Americas,
...." etc.?

What we must be vocal about is that this is not the responsibility of
the grunts who implemented the policy but of the superior cadre that
created it. Obviously, the grunts just thought they were doing a bang-up
job. The "frat " type pictures are clear indications that this was
nothing to be ashamed of or to hide.


Dan Scanlan wrote:

Yoshie posted...

So the correct line is straight-forward: investigate the brass, the
CIA, the civilian DoD leadership, and the contractors. Any problems
in those areas are much more important than the perverse behavior of
some individuals on the front lines.

Indeed, activists ought to seize this moment of division in the
right-wing ranks and exacerbate a legitimation crisis for the George
W. Bush administration, rather than letting the right sacrifice
individual soldiers -- victims turned victimizers on a small scale --
who are expendable in their eyes to protect the biggest war criminals
of all:

Inside the White House, several of Mr. Bush's aides have argued that
he has little choice but to make them public. Sooner or later, they
say, the images will leak out, prolonging the pain, fueling Iraqi and
Arab suspicions of a Pentagon-orchestrated cover-up, and giving new
life to calls for Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's removal.


What's new? Shrub killed 152 folks on death row while governor of
Texas, including the mentally retarded and those whose attorneys
slept in court. His daddy bulldozed innocent bystanders into mass
graves in Panama. His idea of heros -- NYPD -- jammed a toilet
plunger up the ass of an arrestee. The Pentagon-orchestrated School
of the Americas has taught torture techniques to third world
salivators most of my adult life. The American Indian surely doesn't
see anything new in the torture of home folks by Christian invaders.

Personally, I'm looking for the connection between the "exposure" of
American torture and the final installment of "Friends."

Dan Scanlan


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