Devine, James wrote:
I've tried all this before (those specific instructions don't work with
my MS Outlook 2000: SR-1, - and I've complained to the IT
folks (and people on pen-l). So I'm trying to see how MS Word (2000,
9.0.3821 SR-1) works as my e-mail editor. Of course, the on-line version
of MS Word that I used this morning to send the message that LP responds
to doesn't have this option.

Why don't you set up an account on yahoo?

If (1) the bureaucrat belongs to a social stratum that controls the
state in a despotic way - enough to kill or imprison those who oppose
their rule - and (2) the state owns the most important means of
production, then doesn't that bureaucrat have a social power akin to
other ruling classes?

Yes, they had lots of power over people. What they lacked was the power
to fire workers, bequeath property to their sons or daughters,
sell/strip assets, etc. Looking at China today, with 18 year olds
committing suicide because they can't afford college, we can certainly
say that a return to the status quo ante--with all the bureaucratic
deformations--would be progress.


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