Marvin Gandall wrote:
Hindery, in effect, accuses members of the US business elite of placing
their narrow personal and company interests ahead of their class interests,
and the Bush administration of pandering to their selfish needs rather than
acting in line with its broader responsibility as the “executive committee
of the ruling class”. As Hindery puts it, "we need a team who will, as
Franklin Delano Roosevelt did, 'save capitalism from the capitalists'."

This is a flawed analogy. Roosevelt only acted after protests erupted across the USA. He came into office as a fiscal hawk, just as Kerry will. If workers start organizing the kind of strikes that the Trotskyist-led Teamsters did in Minneapolis, then perhaps Kerry will lurch to the left. But then again, Nixon was far more ambitious in his support of environmentalism, affirmative action than any Democrat since. The lesson here is to remain militant in the streets, not to back a bourgeois politician.


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