Doug wrote:

>>>The lesson here is to remain militant in the streets,
>>>not to back a bourgeois politician.

>>Ironically, this is, itself, a flawed analogy. "Militant
>>in the streets" >is lingo from an era of ascendant working
>>class interests -- in >particular, radical lingo from the
>>60s-70s. (Militancy, itself, is older than that, of course.)

>Why is this an either/or thing? Why can't "we," whoever we
>are, do more than one thing? Why isn't it better to have a
>bourgeois politician in office who owes a few favors to
>people like "us" rather than someone who hates "us" with a

Welllll... I do not think it is an either/or thing... I think I said the
same thing as you, quoted above, in the last paragraph of that post of
mine that you quote...

>>At any rate -- We are all grown ups and can ally with
>>whatever we wish at any strategic moment and not fear having
>>to lose sight of the reason we gave a shit in the first

That cuts both ways, btw.


If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children
would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of
          -- Lenny Bruce

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