by Chris Doss

Oh, I think a lot of Soviet policy was simply a
utilitarian, "how do we build up the country as
quickly as possible to overtake our enemoies?" thing.
Russia engages in these grandiose "catching up with
the West" adventures every couple of centuries or so.
It has succeeded twice, under Peter the Great and
Joseph the Steel, two historical figures I think have
a lot in common, except that the Stalin had tanks
instead of musketry. There's no way he could beat
Peter's Drunken Synods, though. :)


CB: Are you saying that the Soviet people knew they were really just trying
to catch up with the West again ,and just used the Communist terminology to
cover it up or that they didn't realize what they were really,
"pragmatically" doing ( simply trying to catch up with the West) ? Basically
the best argument against what you are saying is what the Soviet people

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