Charles Brown wrote:
> CB: If they hadn't been doing something that was  building socialism
> some kind of threat to capitalism , they wouldn't have been in such imminent
> danger of being "defeated again". The reason imperialism was especially
> focussed on invading and conquering the SU is that they were building
> socialism, however flawed.

Agreed, but that wasn't what Stalin said. (I'm going by memory here: I
hope someone can find the exact quotation.) He talked about how the West
had beaten "us" repeatedly through Russian history: i.e., the whole was
in nationalist, not socialist, terms. The earlier defeats (and he names
several) were not of socialist regimes but of Czarist regimes. And he
speaks of _Russia_ being behind militarily, culturally, economically,
and several other adverbs. He undoubtedly _could_ have written what
Charles writes above, but he didn't.


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