Carrol: Agreed, but that wasn't what Stalin said. (I'm going by memory here:
hope someone can find the exact quotation.) ...


CB: Wait a minute, what you said was Stalin said that the USSR existed in a
capitalist sea.

The reference to capitalists seems to imply he was getting at the fact that
the capitalists were invading them because the capitalists didn't like them
building socialism.

You had said:

For one thing, the USSR existed in a capitalist sea, & as Stalin said in
1930, they had 10 years to catch up with the west industrially,
culturally, etc or they would be overrun. (This speech by Stalin was
quoted by Carl Oglesby in a book the title of which I now forget, and I
have never been able to run down the text in any of Stalin's works that
I possess.)


CB: Why not appeal to socialist vision _and_ national liberation hopes ?

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