
1. Does what you say differ -- or if it does, how does
it differ -- from Postone's distinction between social
domination as the "fundamental core of capitalism" and
the regime of accumulation as its 19th century,
"increasingly abstract" form (Time, Labor, and Social

2. The same question(s) with regard to Virno's
analysis of the politicization of post-fordist labor
(A Grammar of the Multitude)?

You see, I think you're on to something. But I don't
believe you're alone.

3. Regarding a comment by Virno on labor power, I
think it would have general application to the issue
of power. He pointed out that labor power is always
something that is not yet real. It is, rather, a
potential, as the Latin term renders more explicit.

When power is realized as something concrete, that
something -- whether it be the making of a commodity,
the sacking of a town, the issuing of a decree (or the
withdrawal of labor or political consent) -- is no
longer power per se although the end product may of
course contribute to the renewal and expansion of the
power -- a new potential.

Returning again to the "left-hand side of the
equation," it seems to me that labor power is an
expression of capitalist power in both a positive and
negative form. So long as labor power is available to
be bought by capital, those human capabilities are not
being exercised as autonomous political action. Thus
one might say that the political power of capital is
precisely the abdication of a possible alternative to
that power and in fact it is NOTHING MORE than that
abdication. So, in a manner of speaking the
qualitative side can be understood as simply the
uninterrupted reproduction of the quantitative side
_as_ quantitative.

Jonathan Nitzan wrote:

> More specifically, we argue that the QUANTITATIVE
> process of
> differential capitalization (the right [left] hand
side of
> the "equation")
> represents or "discounts" the QUALITATIVE processes
> of social power (the
> left [right] hand side of the "equation").

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