Dan Scanlan wrote:
> On Jan 17, 2005, at 9:47 AM, Eubulides wrote:

> > Asking serious theory to explain prices is like asking quantum
> > mechanics to give you the correct oven temperature for roast lamb.
> >
> > Carrol
> >
> > -------------------
> >
> > Bad analogy.
> >
> > Ian

> chipped beef, maybe?



It's less of an analogy than an offhand metaphor. But I don't think it's
ever been established that either prices or allocation of resources can
be theorized. And in the posts on this thread (even of those I tend to
agree with) I don't think anyone has produced an acceptable definition
of power. Power doesn't explain anything, it merely gives a
(provisional) name to the historically generated relationships that need
to be explained. It's just another name for Smith's Invisible Hand,
which was another name for the god of the deists. In other words, we are
mostly getting theology rather than historical analysis here.


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