You made some good points in your post but it is  unfortunate that you ended
it up in a hypersensitive subjective note when you  state:
<<BTW, I find it useful to avoid personal references on  Pen-l.  One really
can't presume (and it doesn't advance the discussion  or future action)
people's motives, background, or whether they "haven't done  their
homework"...You never know :-)  >>
Your comment is unfair  because 1-I wasn't trying to be 'personal" in the
sense of an individual snide  or the presumption of motives. 2- Because it is
logically impossible not to make  a "personal reference" when addressing to
subjective statements as when you  expressed that you don't know what Humala's
programs are about. Now given the  abundant information on Humala in the last
month,  ranging from BBC to Juan  Forero in the NYT, not mention sites like Open
Democracy, it follows logically  to conclude that somebody's lack of
information about this matter has to be due  to "lack of homework". That's all. 
reason for you to sit up in a  condescending moral high chair.
Finally, let me emphasize that the  nationalist road has taken the number one
political priority in all of Latin  America (except Colombia) after the
savage brutality inflicted by the IMF,  American and European capital of late. 
is a necessary first step in the  recovery of  economic growth in the region.
The resurgence of indigenous  power is also due to the fact that one of the
objectives of neo-lib  globalization was quickly achieved: the dissolution of 
"national  bourgeoisies" whose interests are now totally intertwined to those
of  Wall  St.
It is also culturally and politically important to non-European societies  to
develop their autonomous social/thought independent of the traditional
Euro-centric canons from the right or  the left. In this respect, the  North-
American left, who is now extinct in terms of reach and political  influence, 
learn a lot from new successful movements in Latin America in  terms of
reinvigoration trough practical and ideological  innovation.
Cristobal Senior

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