On 12/21/06, Marvin Gandall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ken Hanly wrote:
> <snip>   It is interesting that the surge theorists do not  even factor in 
the reaction at home to all this..I  guess the theorists know that the two party system 
is  their salvation against the wishes of the people.
Maybe. The Democratic leadership could be falling into line.

I think these two sentences are the key. I think part of the idea of
the surge theorists is to make sure the Democrats share the blame for
continuing war. Seldom does anything in politics happen for only one
reason. Given how unpopular the war now is, and given the fact that it
is almost certain to continue for the next two years, getting the
Democratic party to share the blame for this continuation has to be
one goal of any Republican partisan.

On a policy level, I suspect that minimum goals are to get some puppet
government to sign over oil rights before it collapses, so that the
U.S. will have an excuse for imposing sanctions on Iraq after being
driven out with the long range goal of extracting economic
concessions, and to make the super-bases secure enough that the U.S.
has a continuing ability to launch lightning attacks from inside Iraq
to add to whatever bombing raids it launches from outside.

Of course trying to read the minds of these scary motherfuckers is
probably a fairly futile exercise. Also, no matter how hard I look for
rational (even if evil) explainations for what is going on, the more I
end up mentally adding  "plus they are all on really intense drugs".

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