[I didn't see this posted on these lists, and thought people would be
interested in knowing that pro-market economists are still not the
mainstream.  It's good to know we've got that cleared up.  I guess the
question is, of economists are really so split on all of this, then
why is there the popular conception of markets as being so much better
and the profit motive being unquestionably good? Tyler Cowen and the
guys at GMU and Chicago explain. -s]


Oct. 3
Who You Calling Heterodox?

Political magazines and mainstream media outlets have recently
unearthed a struggle for the very soul of economics. It's playing out
in scholarly journals and in the back corridors of economics
departments as lone, embattled researchers resist the stifling
free-market doctrine that dominates their field.

That's the picture painted in recent months by the liberal magazines
In These Times and The Nation and, more recently, The New York Times
and The Atlantic in profiles about a circle of scholars who have been
sending ripples through the power structure of the economics
profession. The general assumption in the profiles is that economics
is a field dominated by people who cling, sometimes beyond evidence,
to free-market dogma, disadvantaging those whose findings might
contradict the dominant view; the rebels, in turn, are presented as
embattled exceptions to the rule. But a group of economists at George
Mason University, and other prominent researchers, say this notion of
a free-market mainstream is oversimplified at best and inaccurate at

"There's really not any data, and there's a caricature, that
economists are extremely free market," said Tyler Cowen, a professor
of economics at George Mason who is popular in free-market and
libertarian circles. "I think the differences are overdrawn."

The narrative tends to involve a familiar cast of characters: Alan
Blinder and Alan Krueger of Princeton University; George A. Akerlof,
David Card and Robert Reich of the University of California at
Berkeley. They have, by their own accord or not, been associated with
a movement that over a period of years has questioned neoclassical
orthodoxy from within the mainstream of the discipline. Some have
favored, for instance, a higher minimum wage (while more
free-market-oriented economists would say that causes people on the
margin to lose their jobs) or a more progressive tax system (instead
of a flat tax), or written about the downsides of globalization and
wealth inequality. (They are separate from the so-called "heterodox"
camps, which are situated on the fringes of the left and right.)

Surely such views aren't out of touch with those of many Americans.
But are they that heretical among other economists, as media profiles
have suggested?

"The average view may be more towards free markets than the population
as a whole, but economists are still about equally diverse in their
views, reflecting I think the weight they put on distribution,
fairness, relative to overall efficiency or economic growth, and
that's a judgment call in terms of what policies are desirable even if
economists can agree on the facts in terms of what the implications of
what the policies would be," said Roger H. Gordon, an economist at the
University of California San Diego and editor of the Journal of
Economic Literature.

To be sure, there have been numerous reports of hostility from
colleagues at other departments when a study reaches a conclusion that
would seem at odds with a free-market worldview. Card, who later won
the prestigious John Bates Clark Medal, was the target of vicious
attacks from other economists and the media after work he did with
Krueger was used to support the Clinton administration's 1996 minimum
wage hike bill, for example.

If Blinder, Krueger and others are insurgents from within, then Daniel
B. Klein, a professor of economics at George Mason, has been at the
center of the counterinsurgency with the journal he founded and edits,
Econ Journal Watch. The so-called heretics are "sitting in the center
of it," Klein insisted. "The Alan Blinders and Robert Reiches and
Kruegers … these guys are like president of the AEA types," referring
to the American Economics Association. (Krueger is on the executive
committee and Akerlof is a former president. Blinder declined to

And Klein has numbers to back up his claims. Some of those numbers
come in the form of party donations, similar to studies (some of which
have also been done by Klein at George Mason) purporting to show
political bias among professors in academe: For example, one Econ
Journal Watch study found a 5.1 to 1 ratio between contributors to the
Democratic versus Republican party among a sample of 2,000 members of
the AEA. Klein found similar lopsidedness in the authors and editors
of journals (including the Journal of Economic Literature) and even
within the groups of people listed in authors' acknowledgments in
journal articles.

But party affiliation doesn't necessarily say much about scholars'
policy preferences: Consider the Clinton Democratic Party's general
market orientation and commitment to deficit reduction, or the Bush
administration's interventions into the market with steel tariffs and
the Medicare prescription benefit.

Another study, by Klein, quantifies economists' views on policy
questions (from a survey of AEA members to which 264 responded), and
finds that for some questions, like the minimum wage, most economists
lean toward a more liberal (or "interventionist") policy — hardly what
one would expect from wholesale believers of laissez-faire economics.
But again, it's possible that subtleties are being obscured in the
questions. Do economists generally oppose a higher minimum wage than
there is now, or the idea of a minimum wage law in the first place?

"If you ask is mainstream economics free market, it's relative," said
Gary Becker, a former AEA president and an economist at the University
of Chicago, traditionally considered a bastion of free-market
economics. "I would say, however, the trend in economics in the last
30 years has been toward more support of free markets." After the
1960s, when Keynesian economics still influenced researchers and
presidents alike, a massive paradigm shift began with the rise of the
so-called "Chicago school," and with it Nobel laureate Milton
Friedman, who became AEA president in 1967 and won the Nobel in 1976.

Compared with other social scientists, economists are certainly more
supportive of markets, Becker clarified. "It's long been true that
economists are more conservative, more free market than other groups.
... But still it's true that within economics, people like Blinder
would not be very rare. There are quite a few people like Blinder who
support government solutions to different problems."

That has especially been the case over the last several years, with
the growing popularity within prestigious departments of behavioral
economics, which questions the assumption that people are always
rational. At the same time, prominent economists have responded to the
effects of globalization and increasing wealth inequality in the
United States with solutions that don't fit within strict neoclassical

"They're great economists, they're really smart people, but they're
not at all heterodox," Cowen said.

That label is sometimes reserved for a coterie of economists who go
further, rejecting even some of the basic founding principles of
economics. Sequestered in departments at the University of Notre Dame,
the New School and others, the heterodox economists often complain
that they aren't respected in the field and are systematically kept
out of mainstream debates. Most find it difficult to publish in
mainstream journals or present at major conferences.

"It's kind of like the third parties in politics," said James Devine,
a professor at Loyola Marymount University who describes his approach
as within the heterodox tradition.

But, as with any vaguely defined term, "heterodox" can be used to mean
anything. It's "an ambiguous term," Gordon said. "What's heterodox
changes over time," said Avinash K. Dixit, at Princeton, who is the
president-elect of the AEA. Sure enough, the Association for Heterodox
Economics lists researchers who approach the discipline from an
Austrian perspective — like some at George Mason.

"Very conservative people can be heterodox," added Devine, whose areas
of interest include labor economics and Marxian political economy.
"We're basically seen as consumers. That's the dominant [view] and I
don't think that's going away in the near future, but there is some
change, an opening, towards heterodox views, and that comes mostly
from experimental economics and behavioral economics," he said.

As Devine sees it, the neoclassical model that dominates economics has
a subset — laissez-faire market economics — that he calls "more of a
political commitment" than a scholarly consensus. So within the field,
he said, economists like Blinder and Card (who subscribe to most of
the mainstream tenets) are rebelling against that political orthodoxy,
while the "experimentalists" working in behavioral economics or more
fringe heterodox circles are chipping away at the neoclassical
foundations themselves.

How Did Some Economists Become Mavericks?

Klein — speaking from Sweden, which, although not known for adherence
to capitalist ideals, is home to several well-known free-market think
tanks — described his project as a critique of the dominant
mentalities of the economics profession. "I think that culture is not
at all like the toothpaste market. I think that culture is very
different than markets for washing machines and labor and so on. And
we're talking about culture, and it's much more like a genteel
society, a kind of circular, self-validating scholastic system," he

He described the work in Econ Journal Watch as a kind of "sociology of
economics" that approaches the discipline from a classical liberal
perspective. At George Mason's economics department, where professors
routinely assign Adam Smith and stress the importance of foundational
texts, that isn't necessarily an unusual approach. And while the
journal operates from somewhat off the sidelines, Klein said the
readership is increasing and it has recently been added to the major
journal indexes. Six Nobel laureates sit on the journal's advisory
council. Becker said he didn't follow the journal, while Gordon said
he'd heard of it. "It's being written for economists being involved in
the government, in Washington or public outreach more broadly," Gordon

Klein describes his classical liberal approach as one that is strongly
grounded in guiding texts and principles. He says his journal doesn't
adhere blindly to laissez-faire economics or assume that there is
necessarily a scientific basis for the view. "Our whole view is that
there are these different character types of economists, and we kind
of represent one and it's kind of an old and venerable one," he said,
seeing "economics as a liberal creed" in the original sense. "We kind
of see liberalism ... as kind of the jewel of Western civilization, so
naturally we go back to the original texts."

Like Adam Smith, he said, he believes "a presumption of liberty should
be taken seriously," and that the burden of proof should be on those
who wish to intervene in markets. Rather than math-heavy papers
elaborating on complex models to describe various economic phenomena,
a typical EJW article might look at whether Smith could be published
in an economics journal today, or seek to illuminate the character
differences of economists based on their university Web sites.

Against the narrative of a mainstream dominated by free-market
ideologues, Klein offers several reasons why there is a common
misperception about economists' views as a whole:

    * A confusion between free markets and free trade. While most
economists would probably support trade liberalization between nations
in some form or another because of its worth as an engine of wealth
creation, that is not the same as supporting relatively unregulated
markets at home.

    * Klein said he believes there is also a bias, perhaps
unconscious, in the media: "Basically they're social-democratic
periodicals, and probably journalists, writing those articles talking
almost exclusively … to people on the left."

    * The persistence of straw-man arguments. In a recent book review,
Columbia economist and Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz, the author
of Globalization and Its Discontents, wrote of Milton Friedman and
others' "belief in the perfection of market economies on models that
assumed perfect information, perfect competition, perfect risk
markets.... They were never based on solid empirical and theoretical
foundations, and even as many of these policies were being pushed,
academic economists were explaining the limitations of markets — for
instance, whenever information is imperfect, which is to say always."
In an e-mail, Klein called this characterization "simply untrue":
Friedman and other like-minded theorists simply believed that "in most
instances, free markets are less bad than the alternative."

So who's being marginalized, and by whom? Both the editors behind EJW
and many of the economists it sets in its sights have considered
themselves embattled by the other. "So, everyone in a debate always
wants to call the other side ideologues, essentially, and the critics
of economics are doing that here," Cowen explained. "They like to
think they're on the outside, there's something new, they're warring
against some powerful authority."

About theories that run counter to the neoclassical model, he said,
"It's a view that's been with us for centuries."

— Andy Guess
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