Greetings Economists,
On Jan 11, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Shane Mage wrote:

A hydrogen-powered vehicle (car, bus, truck, dirigible, bike, ship or
boat) is totally infrared-blocking-emission free when the hydrogen is produced
by electrolysis driven by electricity from a wind farm.  Both fuel
cells and batteries are dynamic technologies and both will be much more economical
than now as soon as the economies of mass production are combined with
the improved technology.

Have you seen the heat engine research at Berkeley:

... Energy now lost as heat during the production of electricity could be harnessed through the use of silicon nanowires synthesized via a technique developed by researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California at Berkeley. The far-ranging potential applications of this technology include DOE’s hydrogen fuel cell-powered “Freedom CAR,” and personal power-jackets that could use heat from the human body to recharge cell-phones and other electronic devices....

.... Nearly all of the world’s electrical power, approximately 10 trillion Watts, is generated by heat engines, giant gas or steam- powered turbines that convert heat to mechanical energy, which is then converted to electricity. Much of this heat, however, is not converted but is instead released into the environment, approximately 15 trillion Watts. If even a small fraction of this lost heat could be converted to electricity, its impact on the energy situation would be enormous. ...

I understand as a by product the silicon heat engines can generate hydrogen, and that theoretically the can reach 60% efficiency compared to current solar cells theoretically reaching 30% efficiency converting energy to electricity.
Doyle Saylor

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