Thanks Gene.  Levy has a bunch of his papers up.
I downloaded three or four of them.

Eugene Coyle wrote:
Max, I tried to send a response a little while ago but it is in the ether but not on Pen-l. Here is a recreation:

I found this paper helpful.

*Lessons from the Subprime Meltdown*
*L. Randall Wray**
*Senior Scholar, The Levy Economics Institute, and*
*Professor, University of Missouri—Kansas City*
*December 2007*
*This paper uses Hyman P. Minsky’s approach to analyze the current international* *financial crisis that was initiated by problems in the U.S. real estate market. In a 1987* *manuscript, Minsky had already recognized the importance of the trend toward* *securitization of home mortgages. This paper identifies the causes and consequences of* *the financial innovations that created the real estate boom and bust. It examines the role* *played by each of the key players—including brokers, appraisers, borrowers, securitizers,* *insurers, and regulators—in creating the crisis. Finally, it proposes short-run solutions to* *the current crisis, as well as longer-run policy to prevent “it” (a debt deflation) from*
*happening again.*
*Keywords: Hyman Minsky; Financial Instability; Mortgage-backed Securities; Subprime*
*JEL Classifications: E12, E32, E44, E58, E63*
*Full at <>*
On Jan 30, 2008, at 5:47 PM, Max B. Sawicky wrote:

Maybe it's time to read Minsky.
To nobody in particular, any suggestions on that front?

By these rate cuts at a time of high and rising inflation the fed is
sending a four word message: ITS TIME TO PANIC.

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