Jangan izinkan disko di Kelantan                    Roslan SMS 
         Saya tidak pasti adakah kenyataan anggota Exco Kelantan Takiyuddin 
Hassan ini telah disalah petik atau bagaimana, tetapi yang terbit dalam akhbar 
THE STAR berbunyi: Kelantan may allow discos at tourist belt.      Menurut 
akhbar tersebut Takiyuddin dipetik sebagai berkata bahawa kerajaan negeri 
sedang menimbang untuk membenarkan beberapa jenis oulet hiburan sepanjang zon 
pelancongan di Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Kelantan.   Takiyuddin dilaporkan telah 
berkata: Places with live entertainment can be open if there are investors, but 
can only be for non Muslim tourists, notably foreigners.      Tak pasti pula 
sama ada live entertainment yang dimaksudkan itu adalah disco walaupun itulah 
tajuk yang diberikan oleh akhbar itu.      Saya kira jika disko lah yang 
dimaksudkan oleh anggota Exco itu maka saya menyeru agar kerajaan negeri jangan 
sekali-sekali menimbangkannya walaupun jika ada pelabur yang berminat.      
Selama ini kerajaan Kelantan telah berjaya mengekalkan imej
 Serambi Makkahnya walaupun dengan berani telah memperkenalkan beberapa 
pembaharuan yang masih dalam ruang lingkup yang dibenarkan oleh syarak.      
Beberapa konsert yang diizinkan dengan beberapa syarat tertentu, membenarkan 
kelab snooker, mengizinkan wayang kulit dan permainan Thai Boxing semuanya 
dapat diterima dengan hati terbuka dan daialu-alukan.   Akan tetapi membawa 
masuk disko ke negeri yang mahu Membangun   Bersama Islam ini saya kira satu 
cadangan yang tidak baik dan akan hanya mencemarkan imej bersih yang ada pada 
Kelantan itu. Ini saya katakan walaupun ada dakwaan bahawa ianya hanya untuk 
para pelancoing yang bukan Islam.      Kerana bukankah selama ini kita 
mengkritik kerajaan pusat yang mahu melanjutkan waktu operasi kelab-kelab 
malamnya di sekitar KL atas alasan mahu mearik pelancong asing. Kalau pusat 
kita kritik tetapi Kelantan pula izinkan atas alasan yang sama saya kira ini 
adalah satu 'double standard' yang akan hanya menjadikan Kelantan bahan serangan
 musuh-musuhnya.      Disko adalah sebuah kelab tari menari, yang selama ini 
diharamkan di Kelantan kerana ia jelas bertentangan dengan Islam, mengapa kita 
mahu beri keizinan kepada sumber hiburan seperti ini walaupun atas alasan hanya 
untuk para pelancong yang bukan Islam?    
  Kesimpulannya saya merasakan cadangan ini tidak baik, dan mengharapkan agar 
ianya sesuatu yang disalah petik oleh akhbar berkenaan. Jika salah petik maka 
Exco berkenaan perlu membuat penafian sama ada melalui akhbar yang sama atau 
melalui Harakah atau Harakahdaily. //Hrkh

abu hafizd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:            Laporan berkenaan 'Islamic 
Disco' di Kelantan  Green light for Islamic 'disco' in Kelantan   16 Dec 2006
Syed Umar Ariff 

  KOTA BARU: No alcohol served, no mingling or dancing between men and women, 
and no showing of aurat (body parts that must be covered). Welcome to Islamic 
disco, according to Pas.

Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has given the green light 
for the setting up of discos in the State, as long as Islamic rules - as 
stipulated by the Pas-led government - are adhered to. 

He said he was not opposed to dancing in discos but it must be between members 
of the same sex. 

"I do not see any reason to forbid them (discos operating under Islamic 
regulations). This is because dancing is just a form of body movement. 

"When dancing is done with the aurat covered and there is no inter-mingling, 
everything should be okay," he said. 

Muslims generally accept that aurat for a woman is her whole body except the 
face and the hands while a man’s aurat is the part between his navel and knees. 
  Komen dan pendapat
  Thestar Sunday December 17, 2006

  PAS-style dance clubs
      KOTA BARU: Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has given his 
blessings to an Islamic form of dance clubs to serve as entertainment outlets 
here.        He said, however, no liquor would be served and there must be a 
segregation of the male and female patrons.        There must also be proper 
attire for women such as clothes that do not reveal the navel, Nik Abdul Aziz 
told reporters here yesterday.        His remarks came after state local 
government committee chairman Takiyuddin Hassan said the state government could 
consider applications for entertainment outlets under the proposed tourism zone 
in Kuala Besar, near the Pantai Cahaya Bulan stretch.        The zone will have 
tourism attractions like a state-of-the-art cultural centre, a marina, local 
cuisine speciality restaurants, handicrafts and souvenir outlets.        He 
saida discotheque or nightclub would not be allowed since it was against the 
spirit of its entertainment laws.        Nik Abdul Aziz said
 he was not opposed to dancing but that couples should not do it and most 
importantly, that the women's navel was covered.        He said that 
entertainment was allowed in Islam but with certain conditions so that it did 
not lead to social ills, he said.        He added that Muslim women must be 
covered from head to toe except for their face and hands while Muslim men must 
be decently dressed when in public.        State PAS Youth head Salahuddin Ayub 
said the party was trying to demonstrate a healthy form of entertainment in the 
Islamic context.        He said PAS leaders should not give up on their quest 
despite criticisms from certain quarters and attempts by Umno to politicise it. 
       Salahuddin said the wing will also meet with foreign tourists to find 
out what kind of entertainment activities they like in the country.     
  He said this was important for the Visit Malaysia Year 2007 and the Visit 
Kelantan 2008 campaigns.//
  Thestar Monday December 18, 2006

  You won’t see me in this club
  Comment by WONG CHUN WAI
      NO, thank you, Tok Guru. I don’t think I would like the idea of going to 
an all-male disco in Kelantan.        Especially when the disc jockey is 
playing YMCA and I Will Survive, songs associated with certain gender 
movements.    More so when there are men with tight-fitting jeans or shirts 
unbuttoned to their navels.         I do not know what message Datuk Nik Abdul 
Nik Mat is trying to send. He must have the best of intentions but, hey, for 
sure, many Malaysian males do not want to send the wrong message.        The 
Kelantan Mentri Besar has said he has no problem with dancing but it has to be 
strictly between men and men. And of course, women and women. We can imagine 
the kind of tourists Kelantan would soon be attracting.        Many Malaysians 
must have thought that the state PAS government had come to their senses by 
proposing a tourist belt where tourists and non-Muslims could have some night 
entertainment.        A kind of restricted zone where tourists need
 to produce their passports or identity cards to gain entrance.         The 
1980s word “disco” was even used, never mind if the term “clubs” are more 
understood among the young these days.        It seemed possible as the PAS 
government appeared to have relaxed the rules by allowing pop concerts, which 
it had once frowned upon. Never mind if there was still gender segregation at 
these concerts.        But State Local Government, Housing and Health Committee 
chairman Takiyuddin Hassan has now said that he was misquoted and that there 
were no plans to set up such entertainment outlets for non-Muslims in the 
state.        What he had proposed was the setting up of a cultural village 
near the Pantai Cahaya Bulan stretch to promote tourism in the state.        On 
Saturday, Nik Aziz made sure everyone understood that the conservative party 
was still running the state.        There would be no alcohol, no mingling 
between men and women and no showing of the aurat (body parts that
 must be covered under Islam).        The Kelantan Mentri Besar said he did not 
oppose dancing in discos “but it must be between members of the same sex.”      
  Recently, the Kota Baru Municipal Council decided to fine women working in 
retail outlets caught wearing “sexy” clothing, which include tight jeans and 
body fitting blouses, up to RM500. The council also banned the showing of 
navels.        It is unlikely that businessmen would take up Nik Aziz’s 
proposal of dancing clubs exclusively for men or women.        Not only is his 
idea bizarre but it does not make practical sense.         The people of 
Kelantan are also unlikely to take up his suggestion.        After all, Golok, 
known for its adult entertainment, is just across the river on the Thai side, 
so why bother with all these restrictions?        For the young, there is 
always the Internet. According to statistics, web surfers in the state topped 
the list for searching the term “Melayu bogel” (naked Malays) on
 Google's search engine.         With so many social and economic problems, 
including drug addiction and unemployment, Nik Aziz should channel his energy 
to solving these issues instead of worrying about trivial matters.        While 
the younger PAS leaders are attempting to project a moderate and gentler image, 
the older group is still not letting go of their orthodox brand of politics.    
    Some of us will just dismiss the statements by Nik Aziz as part of the 
party’s series of eccentricities but for many of us, this is the kind of 
government that       PAS want to impose on the rest of Malaysia.        Many 
of us in our 40s still love listening to the 80s hits by Boy George and George 
Michael, but an all-men club? Thanks, but no thanks.       

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