Op een mooie herfstdag (Thursday 24 October 2002 19:01), schreef Alain BARBET:

> After some tests with Borland:
> An extra line in smoke.mk in CFG_VARS is created empty.
> Something like:
> =
>                               \
>                       ~       \
>               osvers=4.0NTSP5 ~       \
>               config_args=-Dusedevel  ~       \
> ....
> Line with only "~ \" will later cause trouble when created config.h

Okay this means @ARGV has empty or undef items in it :-(
Looking at "smokew32.bat" this is possible for non GCC, my bad!

I would like some feedback on the posibility to set "ccversion" instead of 
"gccversion". To test this, I would like you change the call to "mktest.pl" 
(from smokew32.bat). Remove the "%GCC_VERSION%" argument and change it to 
something like:


(or whatever looks good to you)

I am sorry to not be able to give you a patch. This is something I can't test, 
and I depend on your feedback to fix this.

I will apply something like your patch to the current source, so it will be in 
1.17 (but I'd like some more feedback on the Borland platform)

Thanks for your trouble and input!

good luck,

Amsterdam Perl Mongers http://amsterdam.pm.org
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