Running variants of:

tar tzf perl-5.8.0.tar.gz | perl -lne'print if tr|-_./a-zA-Z0-9||c'

suggests only [-_./a-zA-Z0-9] are valid characters in a path name.

Then I noticed 'perldoc perlport' lists the portable filename
characters as defined by ANSI C and various other restrictions.
What is the length limit of each path name component?
What is the length limit of file extensions? I heard YAML changed
from .yaml to .yml, for instance, yet Perl itself has many files
with long extensions -- runtime.porting, for example.

It'd be nice to have a standard test for valid "portable" path names.
Does such a test exist? I noticed Archive::Any has is_impolite() and
is_naughty() but didn't see any checks for basic path name validity.
BTW, is Archive::Any a "dead camel"?

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