* Leon Brocard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [18 Aug 2003 20:43]:

> I'm not sure about how you mean a "good" Changes. For a start, people
> call them different things (Changes, CHANGES, ChangeLog etc.), and
> format them differently.

Strictly speaking, the F<ChangeLog> is a log of changes,
usually extracted straight from version control software
(e.g. C<< svn log > ChangeLog >>).

The F<Changes> file is more a user-oriented description of
the net effect of the individual changes. It should mention
incompatibilities, behavioural changes, new features,
deprecations and such. The L<HTML::Mason> and
L<WWW::Mechanize> distributions have excellent examples of
F<Changes> files.

The thing is, we can't automatically check this sort of
thing. And if we start insisting on a standard format for
Changes files we'll more likely stop getting them. A
standard template and some good examples may go a long way,
but machine readable? Unlikely.

> What is a good README? To be honest, now that we have web interfaces
> to docs on search.cpan.org I don't think that READMEs are terribly
> important.

I'm inclined to agree. Mine are fairly basic these days, listing the
abstract, a pointer to the docs and install instructions, and the
changes from the previous release.

For example:

> > 4) Test suite analyser. How good is the test suite? Use perhaps
> >    Devel::Cover to determine how much of the code is covered by
> >    the distribution's test suite.

> Sure, convince CPAN Testers to do this ;-)

I've been playing with Devel::Cover and think this is a good
idea. But damned if I know how to report the Devel::Cover
output in a useful way in an email.

> > 5) Signature checker.

> Sure.

Plug Test::Signature and Module::Install here? =)

> > 6) Prerequisite checker.

> What would you check, exactly?

Ostensibly smokers already do this (with my interpretation at least).
>From the look of it, they set up fairly empty perl dists and then have
the program add module paths to @INC for any module listed as a prereq.

> > 7) Version checker.

> What would you check, exactly?

Could check that new releases aren't going backwards, or that version
numbers are well formed CPAN floats?

> > Anything else? Does such a module/script already exist?

> Module::CPANTS::Generator contains a number of metric finding
> functions.

> It's great that somebody else thinks that metrics is a good idea. I
> thought it was just Schwern, Thomas and I! ;-)

cpanratings, kwalitee, metrics, trust matrices, ...

I get the feeling it's all beginning to mesh.


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