On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 09:08:51AM -0500, Andy Lester wrote:
> >If we do, then it won't be the Phalanx 100 anymore, will it. :)
> >I'd highly recommend against a naming scheme that limits your 
> >implementation.
> >Hard coded constants and all that. :)
> How does it limit my implementation?  Do you know for a fact that 
> there are exactly 100 modules in the Phalanx 100?  At one point, the 
> count was 103, and that was fine by me. :-)

Fair nuff.

> >Here's some Really Important modules you're missing.  I'm using
> >http://mungus.schwern.org/~schwern/cgi-bin/perl-qa-wiki.cgi?EssentialModules
> >for reference.
> >
> >It looks like you've left off all CPAN modules which are also in the core,
> >I suppose you're figuring they'll be handled by the core smokers.
> Core modules are phase two because of the Extra Excitement that will 
> be caused by mucking with them and pumpking coordination and whatnot.

How so?

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Let me check my notes.

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