On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 11:17:22PM +0200, demerphq wrote:
> Schwern wrote:
> > The little RSS icon in the lower right only gives an
> > option to subscribe to the "recent notes" feed.
> >
> > A daily email digest would be nice for those of us who prefer push and
> > live in our MTAs not our web browsers.
> Did you see Tim O'Reilly's note:

So where's the RSS push interface so I don't have to go checking 2983 RSS
feeds every day to see if there's anything interesting?

Call me a snob, but O(1) is still better than O(n).

PS  Its entirely possible I'm just ignorant.

Michael G Schwern     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.pobox.com/~schwern
You are wicked and wrong to have broken inside and peeked at the
implementation and then relied upon it.
        -- tchrist in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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